Set a timer
Reach your writing goals and stay productive with timers. Open any Ellipsus doc and click on the hourglass icon at the top of the editor to set a custom timer.
Set your desired time (anywhere from 1 minute to 24 hours and 59 minutes), and let the countdown begin! Timers are:
Individual to you and your document—i.e., no one else can see your timer—but will carry over to all drafts in your doc.
Limited to the current browser (i.e., no cross-device timers just yet).
Will continue to count down even if the tab is idle.
Available in the main editor and in focus mode.
After you start your timer, you’ll have the option to pause, restart, or stop your timer.
At the end of your session, you’ll receive a brief message showing the amount of words that have been added or removed.
Notes on word count
We’re still working on more robust word count analytics! Until then, there are a few things to keep in mind when tracking your word count during a session:
Switching between drafts mid-session will result in an inaccurate word count.
Words typed while the timer is paused will be included in the word count calculation.
Pasted copy will be included in the word count calculation.
What’s next?
Collaborative sessions, saved pre-sets, a history of all your sessions … there’s a lot of things we could add to timers. Check out our ideas board and let us know what you’d like to see next!